It was decided the first one would be called Pink Champagne. She came out and was photographed and then was put away. Then her little sister came out. Her little sister is long and elegant with legs like a thoroughbred filly and a beautiful photogenic face and thin as a rail and it was decided her name would be Cate Moss. Cate with a C, because it is a C year.
"Why don't you give her a bottle?" said the photographer, who had come over from Minter Bay.
"Oh she does not take a bottle. She is not a bottle baby," the farmer pronounced.
"She looks like she wants a bottle," said the farmer from Minter Bay.
"She is not a bottle baby," our farmer repeated, slightly more loudly.
"But she looks like she wants a bottle. "
Since this appeared to be a stalemate the farmer went and got a bottle to demonstrate that Cate Moss is not a bottle baby. Cate Moss drained the bottle in 15 seconds without taking a single breath.
"There, you see," said the farmer from Minter Bay with some satisfaction.
"She is not a bottle baby, though," the farmer repeated dully, refilling the bottle with milk.
Since then Cate Moss has had six bottles, and she stands at the gate waiting for the farmer every morning.
In spite of the fact that she is not a bottle baby.
She has such a look of satisfaction.
I think the original Kate Moss was a bottle baby too, but the bottle was labeled "Grey Goose".
OMG!! Her mother is probably going to be taking her to "kid" pagents now, right?? She definitely is super model material!! I knew I should have entered Smidgen in one of those but we couldn't find a tiarra that we liked!!
Love her little moo stache...even though she's really not a bottle baby!!
She looks like she just had some of that candy milk.
Better to be a "not a bottle baby/bottle baby" than to be a "milk snitcher" like a certain BoerXNubian named Marjoes who watches the Willow Fen Farm MaaMaas with singles for that time when they are satisfied that it is their baby that is draining the faucet and then creeps up from behind to gulp down as much milk from the free faucet as possible before the MaaMaa figures out that both sides are being drained.
Dear Goat Farmer,
There are organizations that help people who cannot see reality for what it is. It might be time to seek assistance.
I hope she has brains, unlike so many super models. That farmer from Minter Bay, though...what does she know? I mean she's still probably waiting to see if Filbert will save the day. I mean she certainly never let the rest of us know, now did she?
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