Hi Everyone -
I am feeling pretty chipper this morning. Yesterday everybody went out except me, since I was on maternity watch. Well, I didn't like that, so I just jumped over the top of my stall. They thought I couldn't do that any more but they were wrong!
Heck, I may be a pregnant lady but I still have plenty of hang time!
Anyway, the farmers got the point and they brought my fat little sister Snow Pea back up to the barn so I wouldn't be alone. I guess I will stay in my stall as long as I have company.
Right now, though, since it is so sunny and bright (cold, though) I am strolling around the pasture with my buddies Breezy, Eo, Marty, Scout, and Boo. It is important to keep getting exercise when you are pregnant, you can't just sit around eating alfalfa all day.
Below you can see a picture of Eo back when she was just a kid. She was a housegoat like me, and she loved to stand in front of the stove soaking up heat. Once her diaper even started to melt, but she didn't care. Anyway, that's my friend Eo in the picture.
Six Days to Go in the
Kidding Countdown! Don't forget to send those names in! Also, if you would like to see another cool goat blog, you can go to this
link. It even has pictures of our guardian dog, Atticus, who keeps the coyotes away and makes sure nothing bad happens to us.