The gauntlet has been thrown down. Smidgen, the tiniest doeling ever born at Herron Hill, dares to challenge kid-of-the-year Peanut, the tiniest buckling ever born here, to a cutest baby of all time (so far) contest.
Betty has not protested, even though she was very cute when she was born, and neither has Goatzilla. So the fight is on.
Good luck Smidgen. You will need it.
Th Poll has ended. Peanut "Mayor Daley" The Kid won. Smidgen came in second. For a while she was ahead. Then she was behind. Good try, Smidge.
Final Score:
Peanut: 328
Smidgen: 198
Peanut here! Vote for me...please!
This is great! My little daughter, Smidgen in a beauty, baby contest. Don't forget to let Breezy vote...you know how grandmas feel about their grand(kids)!!
Unfortunately Q, the new free poll does not allow multiple voting. One vote per customer, how horrifying. We have never had an election that wasn't rigged here.
Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. Nothing is unriggable...
That's the spirit Quinny! Vote early, vote often!
Oh no, this is not good..not good at all! I have been anxiously watching the polls in between watching for fallen leaves in my yard and I must say, I'm getting quite concerned for poor Smidgey. If only you could see her sweet little face...Farmer, don't you have a close-up, face shot of her? Well, you heard the Farmer...vote early and vote often...for Smidgen!!
Ok...I am an avid reader for this blog, but I have to let Baby toss her glove (a white lacy dainty one) in to the ring. SHE really deserves to be the cutest tiniest Nigie to hit the ground. Pictures on my blog. She barely weighed a pound and came out with the cina blue eyes....
As a volunteer for ACORN, I assisted Breezy in completing her voter's registration form (FYI she is an Independent). And so with great enthusiasm Breezy has cast her note.
I thought Breezy was asleep! Her eyes were closed, for sure.
Talk about incredibly difficult choices. And I simply can't believe you are putting us through ANOTHER election...as if we aren't all sick enough of the other one going on! LOL
Ok, my vote has been cast. Difficult or not, I do have an opinion. :-)
OMG! We're closing in...thanks to all the hard campaigning from our East Coast constituants! Their voices will be (herd)!
To Farmgirl-yes but these 2 candidates are soooo much cuter than those other 2, don't you think? And this voting takes less than 10 seconds...how's that for a democratic process. Plus, you can believe EVERY word, er I mean bleet, they say!!
Oh dears, we're in a slump here. Looks like Peanut's supporters got nervous and rallied for a surge. Smidgen is just a little behind only because all her crazy friends are getting ready for Halloween trick or treating...they LOVE candy and got a little distracted. Actually, so do I! Never fear, tomorrow is a new day!
Go Smidgey!!
I'm not sure Peanut is playing fairly. With support for Smidgen from NJ, PA, NY, IN, SC and CO and a facebook group to boot... I think there is a ballot stuffing indicent to be announced with further investigation. To Peanut's camp- put the iphone away, please.
I find it very interesting that any time Smidgen slowly creeps past Peanut in votes, Peanut immediately fires ahead with a suspicious amount of votes. I sure hope Peanut is running a clean campaign, because as Smidgen says "Only vote once, otherwise you are a dunce"
Even though Smidgen is trailing, all is not lost...we may see a surge after the post Halloween slump. Many of Smidgen's supporters have been way too busy with their treat bags but will most likely rally in their sugar rush!
Hurry now...the polls will be closing soon and we cannot afford to lose this very important election. No goating around now!!
On behalf of "Friends of Smidgen" there has been a formal request for an investigation of voter fraud. This investigation will be conducted by the United Nations Subcommittee on Caprine Affairs. There are numerous allegations of "kidding around" and hay basket stuffing. The Peanut Gallery is currently being implicated in this most serious digression from all we hold ruminately dear.
Blogger name witheld under the witness protection act.
Oh, gee. Since so many have failed to enter into the spirit of things, I suppose I, Peanut, should abdicate my title. I have to admit that Smidgen is pretty cute...for a girl. Still I want to thank all my consituents in CA, OR, WA, NC, WVA, TN, ME, VA, NV, TX, AR,KY, SC, FL, CO, MA, OK, MO, WI, PA, MN, IL, OH, NH, GA, NY, Switzerland, Germany, Israel, New Zealand and Canada (and any I may have missed) for their unfailing support. They already know I'm cute anyway. :)
Poor Smidgey...she ran a good, tough campaign against her very cute opponent..although she is the winner in my eyes...her most proud and loving mother! We would like to thank all her supporters for their very, hard work and getting their votes in, although most of them were probably too busy with their Halloween candy. Can't blame them for that...I love candy! Now, life moves on, I must go catch those falling leaves before Sam & Dave do.
Sorry Peanut, no abdicating. Smidgen will just have to get better at voter fraud, like everyone else, if she wants to win.
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