Hello. I just got here yesterday. There was no Nigerian doelings born this year which never happened before. That was before I came. I am the last baby of the season.
My mother’s name is Belle Pepper. Her mother’s name was Baby Belle. Her mother’s name was Domingo Millie.
My name is going to be Million Belles, like the flower except with an e.
So I thought they might call me Millie like my great-grandmother.
But right now they are all calling me Baby Belle.

She's precious! I've had a few doelings born this year, and quite a few wethers. :)
Welcome Million Belles. I am so glad you are here.
May I call you Baby Belle?
We are your neighbors down the road and we look forward to getting to know you. I do suppose the farmer was happy to see you. A year with no Nigie doe babies would be a strange one indeed.
We are glad you are here and welcome to the Key Pen. Million Belles!
What a blessing!
Welcome to the world Baby Belle!!!
Baby you are just beautiful! I can't wait to hear tales of adventure and antics from such a lovely doeling.
Fantastic, just what I needed for a Sunday Morning...Promising Hope!!
Hello, you beautiful thing! Granddaughter of Baby Belle, and only doeling of the season in which she died. It's prophetic. Please continue the blog!
Sigh. Life does work in mysterious ways. What a BEAUTIFUL legacy Baby Belle the first has given us. And a writer too! Who knew?! Goatie smiles and many Peanuts to you, little Million Belles. I can see your granny smiling. :) (by the way...Uncle Peanut says Hey!)
Sigh. Life does work in mysterious ways. What a BEAUTIFUL legacy Baby Belle the first has left us. And a writer too! Who knew?! Goatie smiles and many Peanuts to you, little Million Belles. I can see your granny smiling. :) (by the way, Uncle Peanut says 'Hey!'.)
Dear little Baby Belle,
I think there is a special reason you were the only doeling born so late this year at Herron Hill. Perhaps you are the spirit of a very special goat that came before you?
One thing I know for sure is that Smidgen finally has some real competition in the adorable department.
Welcome and Love from all of us!
My little bubeleh, welcome to the world! Now go forth with chutzpa because the spirit of your Bubbe (Baby Belle) lives within.
Welcome Miss Millie! What a precious baby you are. Am looking forward to hearing about your adventures. You carry a great legacy in your grandmama.
Aaaah, what goes around....
It has been the year of the buckling hasn't it?
Welcome to the world little girl, welcome to the world.
Yay, a new generation! Welcome, Baby Millie!
Baby Belle Jr,
Please, please, please more pictures and posts!
Welcome, little baby (million) belle! You are absolutely beautiful...and your debut has sure made many, many people very happy! :-)
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