
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Lose the Post-Christmas Blues

Well we got all the way through Christmas without any much rain. So then everybody had to put a jinx on things by talking about how this could turn out to be the driest December ever. So the dam burst and it has settled into a steady downpour which makes everyone feel gloomy and by the amount of rain we have had the last two days even with several days left in the month I can pretty much guarantee that this will not be the driest anything.

We also were entering a post-Christmas depression because we had eaten all the treats we were given including a bag of stale peanuts the farmer found in a box that went to the fair three months ago and I waited to see if Betsy would suffer any ill effects after gobbling several of them but they were just fine except they tasted a bit ribbony.

Anyway what should happen but we get one of those little pink slips in the mailbox telling the farmer there is a package at the post office since the USPS out here can't be bothered to bring you the packages, they will only bring the little pink slips as if they tried to deliver the package, even going so far as to hand you the slip when you happen to be down at the mailbox with its jolly note saying that we "tried" to deliver the package but you weren't home or something. But anyway that is another story for a grumpy day.

The farmer went to the post office and there was a package from Missouri for Pebbles.

Inside many many excellent treats, including peanuts and pretzels and instructions for how they should be distributed.

Some of the stipulations were a bit onerous ("be nice to Pebbles", etc) but in light of the treats belonging mostly to Pebbles I have decided to abide by them. Until the treats are gone.


  1. Carol7:59 PM

    Aw, lucky Pebbles.

  2. Ozarks Goat Girl8:38 AM

    Good plan, Millie, but you might want to consider an even longer-lasting, more self-benefitting idea as well. What if you were to really schmooze Pebbles, not just to get some of her Missouri peanuts, but to get some show winning tips from her? What if the Goat Farmer saw that you knew how to pose for photos, did not swordfish walk or arch your back or centipede walk? What if the Goat Farmer picked YOU to go to a fair and you won the Grand Champion prize? Then maybe you would get a package in the mail from a faraway fan and your very own stash of gift peanuts! Think about it...

  3. You are a wise and self-controlled goat.

  4. Please take a breath. I was almost hyperventilating just reading your sentences. :) Pebbles is just a splash in the pan. Fear not. I mean do you even hear about Cindy Crawford anymore?

  5. Ozarks Goat Girl4:01 PM

    Pebbles? A flash in the pan? Look at her photos again. She is not that here today gone tomorrow Kim Kardashian/Brittney Spears/Lindsey Lohan/Cindy Crawford kind of gal. Pebbles has timeless appeal and imperial elegance about her much like unforgettable Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelly.
