
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Greatest Hits of 2011

Well it is the end of the year and time to review the most popular posts of 2011.

Coming in at Number One was a post about Raw Milk Pants. We are going to make a pair for Wendell for the spring.

Number One: Raw Milk Pants.

At Number Two was a post that is several years old. But it has always been very popular, especially at Christmastime. We couldn't understand why until we got some emails from Japan about it. When people are learning to speak English in Japan they read a lot of Dickens. When they get to the end of "A Christmas Carol," they don't understand what it means. So they google the phrase "Total Abstinence Principle." And then they get sucked up into the long winding Internet tubes and spit out at a little Dickensian goat farm in Western Washington. God Bless Them, Every One.

Number Two: The Total Abstinence Principle.

At Number Three we have the mysteriously popular triumph of Pebbles at the State Fair.

Number Three: That's Right.

At Number Four, the Return of B.D., starring Saint Penrose.

Number Four: Uninvited Guest.

At Number Five: the first photo of Clementine the Fairy Goat.

Number Five: In a Cavern, In a Canyon, Excavating for a Mine.

Number Six needs no introduction.

Number Six: At Your Service.

Number Seven: Adorable baby goat needs new name.

Number Eight: Horrors, Pebbles outgrows her stolen parka. 

Number Nine: Occupy the KP.

Number Ten: My New Sisters.


  1. Excellent list. Once again, I must learn not to drink coffee when reading your posts. The second time reading the fair post once again caused splutters.

  2. FUN to revisit these!
    And, catch some new ones!

    I *do* remember the Friendlies!

    Happy New Year!
    Keep writing!
    So glad to have found you!


  3. No, they're all the best - how can you narrow them down? This is the best blog ever!

  4. Ozarks Goat Girl2:22 PM

    It's 4 days into the new year. Has anyone there made a resolution--you know, not gonna break through the fence to get to the fat girls pasture this year, am successfully going to break through the fence as often as I can without the goatfarmer catching me and make it look like it was the Bitter Pill Pebbles that did it every time, not going to hog peanuts anymore share and share alike, hahahaha,so silly, nobody's gonna make that resolution!
