
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Past

This is an old movie but it is so good to see some of our old friends that we are going to play it again. Hello Atticus. Hello Harry. Hello Boo. Hello Wendell.

Hello Baby Belle.

Merry Christmas.


  1. A sweet, sweet way to start a dreary morning. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Awe, watching this made me teary seeing some of my old friends again who are no longer with us...but also really good to see them..Hi guys...We miss you....Alot...
    Love, Queen Quattra

  3. Ozarks Goat Girl7:41 AM

    I mean this--God bless their souls and those of my Caspar, Yeould, Shadow, Blessing, and all my other goat friends who are with me only in memory now.

    On another note--have you Crumpet fans gone to the Crumpet page to see the Crumpet map? Go look! And then let's have a few more fans step up to be state or country TMFGITW chapter presidents. We need to see red pins all over that map! As Missouri president, I would like to state a rule that any new president must have one of the official drab colored shirts, of course, but obligations other than that are pretty loosey goosey other than managing to bring up the name of TMFGITW at every conversation. Shouting "CRUMPET is TMFGITW!" out your car window is also encouraged. Oklahoma president, got any further suggestions?

  4. OGG - we here in the flat lands are contemplating a banner large enough to be seen from the air, mainly for those low flying geese that seem to have lost their compasses and are currently driving Diamond, the best LGD in the world, insane with their ceaseless north, south, east, west movement. However, we have to wait for a day the wind isn't blowing 30-40 mph. It may be June before the banner flies....

  5. Ozarks Goat Girl12:32 PM

    Yang, your idea is so excellent! However, I have sat puzzling for quite a spell here wondering what LGD stands for. Little Goat Demon? I have a couple of those. Large Goat Divine? Loud Goat Diva? LaMancha Grandiose Darling? Please clarify.

    WAIT! I just used the power of the computer and googled LGD and up came Large Guardian Dog which would make better sense in regard to what you wrote than any of my ponderings. Whew. Glad that is solved.

    As for the banner--please order me one, too. We shall fly the Crumpet banner proudly here in the Ozarks!

  6. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Farmer, So sweet and beautiful.
