
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

It is New Year's Day where we are and we wish you the best New Year ever!


  1. Willow Fen Farm Goats8:41 AM

    Happy New Year!

  2. Queen Quattra10:02 AM

    It's New Year's Day here too and the best New Year ever to you all too!!

  3. Well, I am certainly glad it is New Year's day there and at Queen Quattra's and here all at the same time. What with that Gregorian calendar and all, you just never know. Happy New Year! 2013 is going to be a much better one that 2012. I said so!

  4. Wishing you a wonderful 2013!

  5. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I am wishing and would be such a nice surprise! Happy New Year!

  6. Dear Millie and Belle Starr, we are very sorry to bother you, but it is not much of a Happy New Year without blog posts from Herron Hill.
    Yours humbly,
    The Cudzoo Goat Girls.

  7. Yes, this is Selkie here.

    Sarabi is overdue and very, very crabby. I agree with the Cudzoo Goat Girls. A friendly goat would be a very good thing to hear from about now, since it gets a little lonely with just Miss Mean around, working on perfecting her headbutting skills. A nice, kind post with minimal hormones. Or even a dreary, whiny post as long as it doesn't throw me halfway across the yard and eat all the alfalfa pellets.
