
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Welcome Home, Baby Belle

Well it is very funny how things turn out sometimes.

Last year Hannah Belle had two kids, a buckling and a doeling. A nice family wanted them.

"What are you going to call them?" the farmer asked. The family said that they were going to call the boy Charlie. And they would call the little doeling Belle. The farmer did not say anything, just nodded. Charlie and Belle. We did not know it then, because how can you ever know anything until it happens, but they would be Hannah Belle's last surviving kids.

For one year Belle and Charlie lived nearby. And they were fat and happy. Charlie was a wether, and he lived the Life of Riley. Everywhere Belle went, Charlie went. Everywhere Charlie went, Belle went.

Then one day the family called the farmer and said that they were moving to Hawaii.

"Hawaii," said the farmer. The farmer hates hot weather. The farmer would rather move to the Moon than to Hawaii.

They wondered if Charlie and Belle could come back to live at the farm.

If you are ever wondering do we have any strict unbreakable policies, any edicts set in stone, the answer is yes, we have two strict rules. One: No wethers. Two: No returns.

I felt a little misty-eyed for the two darling tots, but what is the point of having strict rules if everything is always an exception. Anyway, somebody else would probably want them, they are extremely good-looking and personable like all my relatives, so que sera, sera. And so on.

But apparently it is true what they say: the exception proves the rule. And the proof of that is the two new residents at Herron Hill Dairy.

Welcome home, Charlie.

Welcome home, Belle.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Thumbs up to this wise and totally understandable decision. If you can't break the stupid rules, why have them? Besides, Hawaii? No self respecting, serious person would live on an island...

  2. Sometimes, it's nice to come home. :-)

  3. Queen Quattra10:20 AM

    Oh my goatness!! Baby Belle has returned to the fold...oh and Charlie too!! Pictures...we want to see pictures of the welcoming home party! Which reminds me...they never have any parties for us around here...maybe I'll come back to Herron Hill too! I love parties!!

  4. Yay! Yay! and oh, yeah, YAY!!!!!

  5. I think it's just pretty cool how things work out sometimes. :D

  6. Ozarks Goat Girl10:11 PM

    Millie, your goatfarmer is a GOOD person! Lucky you. Lucky Charlie and Belle!

  7. Anonymous12:53 PM

    What a blessing to have Hannah Belle's last daughter suddenly come home to take her mom's place. And about those wether's they'll try to steal everyone else's affection from the human and turn into the number one goat. They're very sneaky about it.

  8. We, too, are misty eyed, because we feel Hannah Belle smiling, in that great unknown place. Oh yes, she is having a good goat giggle now. We see her tail wagging!
