
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear Diary

The little fat one Clara Belle gets carried around a lot. It runs up to the farmer simpering the way Moldy used to do. Then it jumps up on the farmer which isn't supposed to be allowed. Then it gets picked up and carried around, preening down on everyone with a simper from high above with lordly airs. I really don't like that one. I hope I do not see it get carried to the grain bin. If I do I will make a black mark in my book and a mental note to t-bone it when it comes down in our pasture. When the farmer isn't looking, obviously.

Eo is keeping a detailed list of grievances against it so I will add mine in there also.

1. Simpering
2. Preening
3. Jumping up (not allowed)
4. Lordly airs
5. Obesity


  1. Oh no Baby Belle! No. That would be so very mean. Be a nice older 'sibling'. You must set an example. :)

  2. Likely you can just mark the jumping up off your list BECAUSE, if she is obese, as you say, and she is probably growing (because that's what they do), soon enough she will jump on the GoatFarmer and flatten her, and the jumping up will end. Probably not so nicely. So mark that one off.

  3. By the way...What are you going to do when Blogger forces the dreaded, CHANGE? I mean, you're still back on the polka-dots.

  4. Ozarks Goat Girl8:27 PM

    Oh, dear. I exhibit many of these same traits. Could it be that those around me are not as adoring as I've assumed?

  5. It's possible, OGG. Time will tell. Try to keep your lordly airs to a minimum.

  6. Dear Millie, it might help to remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery.

  7. Ozarks Goat Girl9:24 PM

    Millie, please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that YOU being carried to the grain bin in your younger years? YOU being picked up and put on top of the pea hay as well as the grain bin to eat your fill because you were being treated like a queen? It was OK for YOU, but not for plump little
    Clara Belle? If EO has a list of grievances against you, a secret secret list you don't know about, EO should add jealousy and support of favoritism when it benefits you to the list. Tsk, tsk.

  8. Dear OGG I am sorry you missed the whole point of everything. IT IS MY GRAIN BIN! That is the whole point! And also I was being treated like a queen BECAUSE I AM A QUEEN!

  9. Ozarks Goat Girl8:09 AM

    Oh, right. My oversight. Sincere and very contrite sorries sent your way. I think it's obvious my lordly ways are cropping up again.
