
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our Motto

If you have a farm it is good to have a farm motto. This is our motto, we have it framed. It is a good motto to remember at this time of year since kidding season is almost upon us. Whatever happens, just keep calm. And carry on.


  1. Ozarks Goat Girl6:55 AM

    Words to live by!

  2. I tend to disagree. Take, for example, if one is faced with, say, a coyote or a mountain lion. If you panic, the fainting goat faints, thereby giving everyone else time to run. I think that's a really big help.

  3. Oh yes, I needed these words today. Definitely. Thank you.

  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Good motto. Does it work?

  5. Willow Fen Farm Goats9:35 AM

    Words of wisdom!

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Oh, poor Marigold, she is the Escapegoat. But it's a noble position. Otherwise the only panic around here is if goatmom comes out in a skirt, then it's pandamonium, body slamming against walls, utter chaos. Our motto is 'No Skirts Allowed'.
