
Monday, January 16, 2012

Waiting for White

In this film, titled "The Day Before the Snow," everyone prepares ominously for the snow which is forecast to reach to Pebbles' hipbones. It is a Bergmanesque Goat Ballet without any dancing.


  1. Okay, now that's ominous.

  2. Ozarks Goat Girl5:18 AM

    Ominous, indeed, but I am hoping what the film did not show is the goatfarmer busy, busy, putting down fresh straw in the barn, buying extra supplies of grain, Swedish fish, and peanuts, preparing a safe and comfortable area for Precious Pebbles far away from bossy biter Betsy Bigoletto, in general battening down the hatches so that you goats will have no concern whatsoever with hip deep snow.

  3. Ooooo.........turn it black and white and put *FIN* at the end........possibly on the edge of a cliff..........

    I got goosebumps!

  4. I enjoyed that short film entirely too much.

  5. That was so ominous, I think the snow might even come this far. Oh wait, it already did...
