
Friday, September 23, 2011

The Bitter Pill

Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles. I am sick of hearing that name.

I got put in the fat girl pasture I don't know why and I was scratching to survive on grass hay.

I made a hole in the fence so I could at least get near the barn to at least smell the alfalfa and grain and then I got put on punishment since we have another horse trailer now.

Terra Belle went through the hole with me and she did not get put on punishment.

So did Izzy and Iota. Did they get put on punishment? No, the farmer couldn't catch them.

Is this how justice is served? Only to the slow? What kind of justice is that?

Slow justice is no justice! No justice, no peace!

Maddy the Sheriff of Crazytown got put on punishment with me but it is no punishment at all because she is a claustrophile and she likes the horse trailer. She would be perfectly happy inside a washing machine, as long as it was a front loader and she could see out. But to me it is double punishment because solitary confinement is bad enough but solitary confinement with Maddy is a bitter pill! And in case you didn't know it nobody likes a bitter pill!

Meanwhile outside the trailer I hear the visitors cooing over Pebbles, that she is even prettier than her picture, she is the prettiest goat they have ever seen, and offering her peanut butter crackers and maple leaves.

Pebbles is a bitter pill, and that is what I am going to call her from now on!

The Bitter Pill, with her stolen parka and her peanut butter crackers!

I hope you are happy, Miss Junior Champion Bitter Pill and Parka Thief! That is what I hope!


  1. We would be willing to take her off your hooves.

  2. Don't worry. I told you that parka makes her butt look big. Give it time. They will realize it soon enough.

  3. I've been lurking for a while now. Just wanted to tell that your blog is the best on the net. Keep up the goat work! ^^

  4. Oh, the fat girl pasture.... that's just wrong. Plain wrong. And Marigold is right: the parka does make her butt look big!

  5. Dear Millie, There’s no need to be so upset. You just need a little perspective.
    1) You do not need a buzz cut and a show ring to show your beauty thus demonstrating your physical superiority.
    2) You would not tolerate a buzz cut and a show ring thus demonstrating your mental superiority.
    3) You were in the fat girl pasture thus demonstrating your metabolic superiority.
    4) You escaped from the fat girl pasture thus demonstrating your analytical superiority.
    4) You are of the Belle Family thus demonstrating your genetic superiority.
    Now pull yourself up by your pasterns and get to it. T-boning Maddy would be a good start.

  6. I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I'm a new goat mom and blogger and I am enjoying getting to know my girls and writing about our small farm. Keep up the good work!
