
Thursday, February 18, 2010

T Minus 9

Walker the Talker has been hanging around with the three little wethers. They rush around in a wether pack investigating food sightings. He took Bennett's advice and got his blue back.

It was a beautiful day, probably one of the ten most beautiful days of the year, and that helped.

Willen's long vacation is finally over. A good rider has been coming to ride him. He pretended he only knew how to stumble around like a 3-legged donkey for several days but it didn't take long to outsmart him. Today he was cantering all over and actually sweating. Tomorrow, who knows, maybe he will leave for Churchill Downs.

If anyone ever tries to put a saddle on you, take my advice and collapse on the ground in a dead faint. Moan and slobber a little bit too if you can. If that doesn't work, do a big Frankenstein limp.

The kidding countdown starts today.

Moldy is supposed to have her kids on February 27. She is already talking about it. Today is February 18, so it is T minus 9. Hurry up, Moldy.


  1. I knew a very expensive event horse who learned to fake lameness. They did x-rays and all sorts of exams and couldn't find a thing. When saddling him, though, you could see that clever glint in his eye. It turned out that the lucky boy was talented at teasing mares in heat, so he ended up sniffing girls at a breeding farm!

  2. Congratulations Moldy on only having nine (now eight) days until your kidding due date!! I'm SURE you are talking about it with every doe around! :)
    Hope the kids are healthy and strong. :)

  3. if anyone ever put a saddle on me i would do just that. ugh i can't even imagine it! can't wait to see the lovely kids on the way.

    gerald the kid loving goat

  4. You mean Willen does something other than eat?!?

  5. Ohh the joy of countdown season! It's almost enough to make the mud pits disappear! Hope all are well and uneventful.
