Well believe it or not, Wendell has turned out to be a pretty good babysitter. He loves staring at baby goats and following them around. Once in a while when they get tired of their own company, they will play with him, and that makes his day. Today Filbert showed him how a wheelbarrow should be used.

He was also playing with BlueBelle, whom everyone has taken to calling Betty Jr., since she is the spitting image of Betty only prettier (if that's possible) and with wattles. The farmer says she is the prettiest Nigerian ever born here, which I guess could be true since I wasn't born here.

This year Captain January is paying us back - last year he had thirteen kids and eleven were girls. This year he has had six so far and only one girl. But the farmer says if they are all as pretty as BlueBelle it will be okay. That means there is a whole gang of happy-go-lucky little wethers hopping around the place.
What sweetie pies! Each and every one of them! Spring must be such a joy around your place.
ReplyDeleteOh no.....there will be no getting that one away from the goatfarmer. She is stunning, right down to her last wattle. I'll see her at the fair!
ReplyDeleteHa ha! She is already reserved by a lady who tried to buy Betty last year at the fair! We are keeping our fingers crossed that the lady changes her mind. But anyway we have Betty Sr. so we shouldn't be greedy!
ReplyDeleteEXCUSE ME?! I am the prettiest baby ever born at the farm!!!!
ReplyDelete'prettiest Nigerian doeling' was the exact quote. Almost as pretty as Peanut the miracle boy. Or Marigold the mini-Nubian.
ReplyDeleteIf you want her to change her mind don't send her that picture!
ReplyDeleteWendell looks like a little goatie!
ReplyDeleteNo wonder he fits right in as babysitter.
Your goats are gorgeous!!