
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Starts with W...

Ok, it is time for a baby round-up.

Born so far: Lolo, Betsy, Moony, Wrenny, Wrusty, The General, Traveler, Harper Lee, Barnaby, Whitman, Willa, Wrong Number, and What Next. And also born: W---, W---, W---, W---, and, finally, W---.

Won't you help? We are running out of W names - all (almost) the purebred babies will be ADGA registered and it is a W year. Please: won't you help?


  1. Wallabee, Wildflower, Willow, Wanda, Woohoo, Wiggles, Wily, Whirligig, Whiskey, wisteria

  2. Wabbit (or Wascawwy Wabbit), Wile E. Coygoaty, Wild Turkey, Wilbur, Warren Zevon, Willy Wonka (2 points!), Woody, Wilma, Warbler, Weeble (wobbles but he don't fall down), Winn Dixie, Whatchamacallit, Wee, Wanda (not just for fish anymore), Willow, Wilford.

    That ought to do for a while, I think!
